When Carson was in the hospital last June he was entertained by a doctor doing a clown act. It made such an impression on him that he put together a similar outfit for Halloween. He did the entire costume himself. What an imagination!!
Pam & John's trips down the ICW. Trip #1- Oct 2005 - May 2006 Trip #2- Oct 2006 - May 2007 Trip #3- Oct 2007 - May 2008 For July 08 Cruise see: http://chesbaylakechamplain.blogspot.com/
The storm came through and, although it rained very hard, it was over by the time we woke up. Saturday is bright and sunny. Had lunch with Mike and Cookie. Then we walked to the beach where the surfers were taking advantage of the storm surf. Daylight Savings ends tomorrow which means we either have to get up earlier or do less miles per day. Decisions, decisions!
Photo: Edenton, NC town marina