We hope that your Holiday Season is filled with good health and happiness.
This year we celebrated another milestone. Pam turned sixty on September 19th! Cameron’s birthday is the day before so Pam shared her birthday celebration with her four year old granddaughter. Pam is still doing some contractual work for the Association.
It is amazing how much you can accomplish while at sea. Cell phones and the Internet are wonderful.
Carson with his Lacrosse gear
John & Cameron
Our “Little Princess” Cameron is attending pre-school three days a week and keeps everyone on their toes. She is quite the little talker. She had her adenoids removed in December. She came out of the operation talking up a storm. What a trooper she was.
Kim & Mike
Travis just completed his fifth year on the faculty at the Haverford School as Asst. Dean, Math Teacher and Lacrosse Coach. He was chosen the Teacher of the Year this past November. It is nice to see all his hard work recognized. He is very much at home in Philadelphia.
This Christmas will be a special time to celebrate our family’s gift of each other and the joy of being together. The whole family will all be together at Kim and Mike’s house again this year.
Hope all is well with you and your families. We wish you and yours a very Happy New Year. We pray for the many military families who are separated this holiday season and may we have peace on earth soon .
John & Pam
Compass Rose
3 Church Circle
PMB 146
Annapolis, MD 21401
John Cell (410) 913-9277
Pam Cell (410) 353-2912
Email: johnloving@yahoo.com
Email: pamcompassrose@yahoo.com