Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Change in Plans

We have no plan and we're sticking to it...

But, sometimes you gotta have an idea of a plan. The "plan" was to cross over to the west coast of Florida via Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River and arrive in Naples for Thanksgiving with John's mother.

The weather is going to hell this week with winds forecast to be 25-30 kts and 5-7 ft seas in the Gulf of Mexico. Lake Okeechobee (which is only about 10 ft deep) will be extremely rough with seas in the 5 ft range and on the beam.

Soooo, the new "plan" is to leave Compass Rose here in Vero Beach, rent a car and drive over to Naples. We'll spend Wed-Fri there and then depart here on Saturday and head down the east coast towards the Keys. As they say, 'boating is an outdoor sport'...

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