Saturday, April 1, 2006 After spending four months in the Florida Keys it is time to continue our journey and start cruising north. We have spent the past week working on the boat. We made some repairs, had her hauled and cleaned. We said our goodbyes to the many Marathon friends we have made over the winter. Some we will see along the way north and in Annapolis this summer. Some we will not see again until we return to Marathon next winter.
Photo: Eight pairs of Crocs!!We cast off at 9:15am and made our way to the Seven Mile Bridge. This is the first time we have been under the bridge having walked over it many times during the winter. We had a good cruise across the Florida Bay/Gulf of Mexico to the southern tip of Florida, Everglades National Park. We pulled into the Little Shark River at 3:45pm. Not bad-only a 61/2 hour day. We had heard that the river was a beautiful wooded cypress, pine, and hardwood tree lined shoreline, looking undisturbed since the Timucuan Indians lived here. Well this was not the case. When we pulled in it was obvious that Wilma had blown through here. The trees along the shores are still without foliage and the bark had been striped off of their trunks. Debris is still hanging from the tree limbs up as high as 12-15 feet. It is hard to understand why this hurricane had so little press. It must be that Floridians are just not whiners.
The sunset behind the bare trees, was very different from the Marathon sunsets. The mosquitoes came out in full force and were large enough to suck us dry.
Daylight Saving time sprung forward during the night which made for an early wakeup call and we were on our way by 7:30 am. That is early for us especially after months of sleeping in.
Photo: Little Shark River (note crab potes hanging from trees)
Photo: John blowing the conch shell at sunset.