Saturday, September 22, 2007

Breckenridge, CO

On Saturday the 22nd, we joined up with BJ and Bob King at Nolan's RV Center in Denver. The plan was to rent an RV and drive to Canyonlands in SE Utah. We drove about 75 mi west to Breckenridge, CO and spent the first two nights at Tiger Run RV Center. Jan and Steve rented a cabin there, too. The next day the four of us (Bob, BJ, Pam, John) went hiking on the Spruce Creek Trail. This begins at the 10,000 ft level and continues upward. Needless to say, breathing becomes an ordeal. We had to stop often just to catch our breath.

Photo: John, Pam, BJ & Bob with the 'Bus'.

Photo: Eisenhower Tunnel through Loveland Pass (elev 11,013 ft)

Photo: Breckenridge, CO Bare ski slopes.

Photo: Think they get snow here?!

Photo: View from our RV campsite

Photo: John checking the altitude on GPS

Photo: Pam, BJ and Bob on the trail

Photo: The GPS says we're at 10,969 ft. Our lungs confirm this!!

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